Unicorn AIM VCT Plc

Unicorn AIM VCT was launched in November 2001 to allow investors the opportunity to benefit from tax reliefs while investing in growth companies listed mainly on the AIM market.

Investment Objective

The Company’s objective is to provide Shareholders with an attractive return from a diversified portfolio of investments, predominantly in the shares of AIM quoted companies, by maintaining a steady stream of dividend distributions to Shareholders from the income and capital gains generated by the portfolio.

It is also the objective that the Company should continue to qualify as a Venture Capital Trust, so that Shareholders benefit from the taxation advantages that this brings. To achieve this at least 70% (80% for accounting periods commencing aer 5 April 2019) of the Company’s total assets are to be invested in qualifying investments of which 70% by VCT value (30% in respect of investments made before 6 April 2011) must be in ordinary shares which carry no preferential rights (save as permitted under VCT rules) to dividends or return of capital and no rights to redemption.

Investment Policy

In order to achieve the Company’s investment objective, the Board has agreed an investment policy which requires the Investment Manager to identify and invest in a diversified portfolio, predominantly of VCT qualifying companies quoted on AIM that display a majority of the following characteristics:

  • Experienced and well-motivated management;
  • Products and services supplying growing markets;
  • Sound operational and financial controls; and
  • Potential for good cash generation to finance ongoing development allied with a progressive dividend policy.

Asset allocation and risk diversification policies, including maximum exposures, are to an extent governed by prevailing VCT legislation. No single holding may represent more than 15% (by VCT value) of the Company’s total investments and cash, at the date of investment.

There are a number of VCT conditions which need to be met by the Company which may change from time to time. The Investment Manager will seek to make qualifying investments in accordance with such requirements.

Asset Mix

Where capital is available for investment while awaiting suitable VCT qualifying opportunities, or is in excess of the 70% VCT qualification threshold, it may be held in cash or invested in money market funds, collective investment vehicles or non-qualifying shares and securities of fully listed companies registered in the UK.


To date the Company has operated without recourse to borrowing. The Board may however consider the possibility of introducing modest levels of gearing up to a maximum of 10% of the adjusted capital and reserves, should circumstances suggest that such action is in the interests of Shareholders.

Venture Capital Trust Status

The Company has satisfied the requirements for approval as a Venture Capital Trust (VCT) under Section 274 of the Income Tax Act 2007 (ITA). It is the Directors’ intention to continue to conduct the business of the Company so as to maintain compliance with that section.

Marketing of shares to retail investors

We confirm that the shares of Unicorn AIM VCT plc are currently ‘excluded securities’ in accordance with guidance issued by the Financial Conduct Authority and can therefore be recommended to retail investors by financial advisers.